Monday, February 1, 2010

Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bo Sanchez

I always have a love affair with books and in search of a good book to read I happened to catch the new book by one of my favorite authors Bo Sanchez. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy: 7 secrets to achieve your dreams and enjoy great happiness today. From the title alone I can immediately say that this book is packed with valuable lessons in life. Trust Bo Sanchez to bring in a good laugh too.

Introduction started me smiling about how Filipinos are really happy people by nature. I like the way how Bo put it this way “this is a book about receiving all that life has to offer, of sucking the bone marrow of life, of dreaming big, living to the max, of reaching for the stars!” now, that’s very promising.

He pointed out the 7 secrets to extreme happiness based on his observations on the happiest people he knew and how to actually practice it in real life.

  1. Happy people create their destiny.
  2. Happy people like themselves a lot.
  3. Happy people nurture connections
  4. Happy people find delight everywhere.
  5. Happy people embrace change.
  6. Happy people trust deeply.
  7. Happy people work their purpose daily.

I was actually inspired by the story of Jessica Cox (, just type Jesica Cox) as part of Bo’s explaination/example of secret #1.

The first time I’ve read about what is an Inverse Paranoid is through this book and it made me realize that I need to read Jack Canfield again. I said again because I’ve been reading him in Chicken Soup for the Soul series when I’m in High School if I remember right.

I also would like to take note of this: Aspire to become a Millionaire. And become a Millionaire-Maker. Meaning as you become successful make others successful too. Now that’s altruism in its real core.

At the end of each chapter are exercises or action plans or what Bo calls it “assignments” to help readers apply what has been explained.

Wow! Bo did really well in explaining how these 7 secrets can make anybody’s life more meaningful, progressive and of course happy with a good laugh. Despite the fact that this book is actually a compilation of his weekly soulful blog ( this book format adds readability and accessibility to inspirational materials for those bibliophiles and those who are too busy to always go online.

What do you think about this book? Have you read an inspirational or moving book lately?